Displaying similar documents to “A formula for the Cartier operator on plane algebraic curves.”

On algebraic curves.

George R. Kempf (1977)

Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik


Some (non-)elimination results for curves in geometric structures

Serge Randriambololona, Sergei Starchenko (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that the first order structure whose underlying universe is ℂ and whose basic relations are all algebraic subsets of ℂ² does not have quantifier elimination. Since an algebraic subset of ℂ² is either of dimension ≤ 1 or has a complement of dimension ≤ 1, one can restate the former result as a failure of quantifier elimination for planar complex algebraic curves. We then prove that removing the planarity hypothesis suffices to recover quantifier elimination: the structure with...