Displaying similar documents to “On the semigroups of age-size dependent population dynamcis with spatial diffusion.”

Population Growth and Persistence in a Heterogeneous Environment: the Role of Diffusion and Advection

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Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


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Adaptive dynamics in logistic branching populations

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Banach Center Publications


The biological theory of adaptive dynamics proposes a description of the long-time evolution of an asexual population, based on the assumptions of large population, rare mutations and small mutation steps. Under these assumptions, the evolution of a quantitative dominant trait in an isolated population is described by a deterministic differential equation called 'canonical equation of adaptive dynamics'. In this work, in order to include the effect of genetic drift in this model, we...

Structured population dynamics

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Banach Center Publications


The objective of these lectures is to apply the theory of linear and nonlinear semigroups of operators to models of structured populations dynamics. The mathematical models of structured populations are typically partial differential equations with variables corresponding to such properties of individual as age, size, maturity, proliferative state, quiescent state, phenotype expression, or other physical properties. The main goal is to connect behavior at the individual level to behavior...