Operations for modules on Lie-Rinehart superalgebras.
Sophie Chemla (1995)
Manuscripta mathematica
Sophie Chemla (1995)
Manuscripta mathematica
Yu-Feng Yao (2014)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Simple modules for restricted Lie superalgebras are studied. The indecomposability of baby Kac modules and baby Verma modules is proved in some situation. In particular, for the classical Lie superalgebra of type , the baby Verma modules are proved to be simple for any regular nilpotent -character and typical weight . Moreover, we obtain the dimension formulas for projective covers of simple modules with -characters of standard Levi form.
Olivier Mathieu (1992)
Inventiones mathematicae
Maria Gorelik (2000)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
We study the invariants of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie superalgebra with respect to a certain “twisted” adjoint action.
Mazorchuk, Volodymyr (1999)
Journal of Lie Theory
Yucai Su, R. B. Zhang (2012)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
A Jantzen type filtration for generalised Verma modules of Lie superalgebras is introduced. In the case of type I Lie superalgebras, it is shown that the generalised Jantzen filtration for any Kac module is the unique Loewy filtration, and the decomposition numbers of the layers of the filtration are determined by the coefficients of inverse Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials. Furthermore, the length of the Jantzen filtration for any Kac module is determined explicitly in terms of the degree...
L. G. Kovács, Ralph Stöhr (2004)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
Alessandro D'Andrea (2004)
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
In this communication, I recall the main results [BDK1] in the classification of finite Lie pseudoalgebras, which generalize several previously known algebraic structures, and announce some new results [BDK2] concerning their representation theory.