Symplectic packings and algebraic geometry. (with an Appendix by Y. Karshon).
Leonid Polterovich, Dusa McDuff (1994)
Inventiones mathematicae
Leonid Polterovich, Dusa McDuff (1994)
Inventiones mathematicae
Maley, F.Miller, Mastrangeli, Jean, Traynor, Lisa (2000)
Experimental Mathematics
Yael Karshon (1994)
Inventiones mathematicae
Halszka Tutaj-Gasińska (2012)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
The note is about a connection between Seshadri constants and packing constants and presents another proof of Lazarsfeld's result from [Math. Res. Lett. 3 (1996), 439-447].
Takeo Nishinou (2004)
Mathematica Bohemica
We perform symplectic embeddings of ‘thin’ discs into a small ball in arbitrary dimension, using the symplectic folding construction.
Francois Lalonde (1994)
Mathematische Annalen
Claude Viterbo (1992)
Mathematische Annalen
Wojciech Domitrz (2009)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We study the local symplectic algebra of parameterized curves introduced by V. I. Arnold. We use the method of algebraic restrictions to classify symplectic singularities of quasi-homogeneous curves. We prove that the space of algebraic restrictions of closed 2-forms to the germ of a 𝕂-analytic curve is a finite-dimensional vector space. We also show that the action of local diffeomorphisms preserving the quasi-homogeneous curve on this vector space is determined by the infinitesimal...
Karl Friedrich Siburg (1993)
Manuscripta mathematica
Goo Ishikawa, Stanisław Janeczko (2010)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Based on the discovery that the δ-invariant is the symplectic codimension of a parametric plane curve singularity, we classify the simple and uni-modal singularities of parametric plane curves under symplectic equivalence. A new symplectic deformation theory of curve singularities is established, and the corresponding cyclic symplectic moduli spaces are reconstructed as canonical ambient spaces for the diffeomorphism moduli spaces which are no longer Hausdorff spaces.
L. Polterovich (1996)
Geometric and functional analysis