Displaying similar documents to “Hyper-extensions of σ -algebras”

Spaces of measurable functions

Piotr Niemiec (2013)

Open Mathematics


For a metrizable space X and a finite measure space (Ω, 𝔐 , µ), the space M µ(X) of all equivalence classes (under the relation of equality almost everywhere mod µ) of 𝔐 -measurable functions from Ω to X, whose images are separable, equipped with the topology of convergence in measure, and some of its subspaces are studied. In particular, it is shown that M µ(X) is homeomorphic to a Hilbert space provided µ is (nonzero) nonatomic and X is completely metrizable and has more than one point. ...

Characterization of realcompactness and hereditary realcompactness in the class of normal nodec (submaximal) spaces

Mehrdad Karavan (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Is it true in ZFC that every normal submaximal space of non-measurable cardinality is hereditarily realcompact? This question (posed by O. T. Alas et al. (2002)) is given a complete affirmative answer, for a wider class of spaces. In fact, this answer is a part of a bi-conditional statement: A normal nodec space X is hereditarily realcompact if and only if it is realcompact if and only if every closed discrete (or nowhere dense) subset of X has non-measurable cardinality.