Displaying similar documents to “A characterization of Hardy-Orlicz spaces on C...”

On the Banach envelopes of Hardy-Orlicz spaces on an annulus

Michał Rzeczkowski (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We describe the Banach envelopes of Hardy-Orlicz spaces of analytic functions on an annulus in the complex plane generated by Orlicz functions well-estimated by power-type functions.

Orlicz-Morrey spaces and the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function

Eiichi Nakai (2008)

Studia Mathematica


We prove basic properties of Orlicz-Morrey spaces and give a necessary and sufficient condition for boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator M from one Orlicz-Morrey space to another. For example, if f ∈ L(log L)(ℝⁿ), then Mf is in a (generalized) Morrey space (Example 5.1). As an application of boundedness of M, we prove the boundedness of generalized fractional integral operators, improving earlier results of the author.

Maximal function in Beurling-Orlicz and central Morrey-Orlicz spaces

Lech Maligranda, Katsuo Matsuoka (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We define Beurling-Orlicz spaces, weak Beurling-Orlicz spaces, Herz-Orlicz spaces, weak Herz-Orlicz spaces, central Morrey-Orlicz spaces and weak central Morrey-Orlicz spaces. Moreover, the strong-type and weak-type estimates of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on these spaces are investigated.

Orlicz spaces for which the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators is bounded.

Diego Gallardo (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


Let M be the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator defined by: Mf(x) = supx ∈ Q 1/|Q| ∫Q |f| dx, (f ∈ Lloc(Rn)), where the supreme is taken over all cubes Q containing x and |Q| is the Lebesgue measure of Q. In this paper we characterize the Orlicz spaces Lφ*, associated to N-functions φ, such that M is bounded in Lφ*....

On property (β) of Rolewicz in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm

Paweł Kolwicz (2005)

Banach Center Publications


We prove that the Musielak-Orlicz sequence space with the Orlicz norm has property (β) iff it is reflexive. It is a generalization and essential extension of the respective results from [3] and [5]. Moreover, taking an arbitrary Musielak-Orlicz function instead of an N-function we develop new methods and techniques of proof and we consider a wider class of spaces than in [3] and [5].

Jung constants of Orlicz sequence spaces

Tao Zhang (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Estimation of the Jung constants of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with either the Luxemburg norm or the Orlicz norm is given. The exact values of the Jung constants of a class of reflexive Orlicz sequence spaces are found by using new quantitative indices for 𝓝-functions.

Roughness of two norms on Musielak-Orlicz function spaces

Jimin Zheng, Lihuan Sun, Yun'an Cui (2008)

Banach Center Publications


In this paper, the criteria of strong roughness, roughness and pointwise roughness of Orlicz norm and Luxemburg norm on Musielak-Orlicz function spaces are obtained.