Displaying similar documents to “Continuity of Locally Compact Group Actions with Measurable Orbit Maps.”

* -actions on 3 are linearizable.

Kaliman, Shulim I., Koras, Mariusz, Makar-Limanov, Leonid, Russell, Peter (1997)

Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society [electronic only]


A reconstruction theorem for locally moving groups acting on completely metrizable spaces

Edmund Ben-Ami (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let G be a group which acts by homeomorphisms on a metric space X. We say the action of G is locally moving on X if for every open U ⊆ X there is a g ∈ G such that g↾X ≠ Id while g↾(X∖U) = Id. We prove the following theorem: Theorem A. Let X,Y be completely metrizable spaces and let G be a group which acts on X and Y with locally moving actions. If the orbits of the action of G on X are of the second category in X and the orbits of the action of G on Y are of the...