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Displaying similar documents to “Zeros of L-Functions Attached to Maass Forms.”

Real zeros of holomorphic Hecke cusp forms and sieving short intervals

Kaisa Matomäki (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study so-called real zeros of holomorphic Hecke cusp forms, that is, zeros on three geodesic segments on which the cusp form (or a multiple of it) takes real values. Ghosh and Sarnak, who were the first to study this problem, showed the existence of many such zeros if many short intervals contain numbers whose prime factors all belong to a certain subset of the primes.We prove new results concerning this sieving problem which leads to improved lower bounds for the number of real zeros. ...

Real zeros of holomorphic Hecke cusp forms

Amit Ghosh, Peter Sarnak (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


This note is concerned with the zeros of holomorphic Hecke cusp forms of large weight on the modular surface. The zeros of such forms are symmetric about three geodesic segments and we call those zeros that lie on these segments, real. Our main results give estimates for the number of real zeros as the weight goes to infinity.

Modular case of Levinson's theorem

Damien Bernard (2015)

Acta Arithmetica


We evaluate the integral mollified second moment of L-functions of primitive cusp forms and we obtain, for such L-functions, an explicit positive proportion of zeros which lie on the critical line.