Displaying similar documents to “On s -skew elements in polyadic groups”

Remarks to Głazek's results on n-ary groups

Wiesław A. Dudek (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


This is a survey of the results obtained by K. Głazek and his co-workers. We restrict our attention to the problems of axiomatizations of n-ary groups, classes of n-ary groups, properties of skew elements and homomorphisms induced by skew elements, constructions of covering groups, classifications and representations of n-ary groups. Some new results are added too.

On B-injectors of symmetric groups Sₙ and alternating groups Aₙ: a new approach

M. I. AlAli, Bilal Al-Hasanat, I. Sarayreh, M. Kasassbeh, M. Shatnawi, A. Neumann (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of BG-injectors of finite groups and invoke this notion to determine the B-injectors of Sₙ and Aₙ and to prove that they are conjugate. This paper provides a new, more straightforward and constructive proof of a result of Bialostocki which determines the B-injectors of the symmetric and alternating groups.