Lower bound for the size of maximal nontraceable graphs.
Frick, Marietjie, Singleton, Joy (2005)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Frick, Marietjie, Singleton, Joy (2005)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Bullock, Frank, Dankelmann, Peter, Frick, Marietjie, Henning, Michael A., Oellermann, Ortrud R., van Aardt, Susan (2011)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Zhenming Bi, Ping Zhang (2015)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
For integers k and n with 2 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, a graph G of order n is k-path pancyclic if every path P of order k in G lies on a cycle of every length from k + 1 to n. Thus a 2-path pancyclic graph is edge-pancyclic. In this paper, we present sufficient conditions for graphs to be k-path pancyclic. For a graph G of order n ≥ 3, we establish sharp lower bounds in terms of n and k for (a) the minimum degree of G, (b) the minimum degree-sum of nonadjacent vertices of G and (c) the size of G...
Bullock, Frank, Frick, Marietjie, Singleton, Joy, van Aardt, Susan, Mynhardt, Kieka (C.M.) (2008)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Pavel Vacek (1992)
Archivum Mathematicum
If is a graph, an open Hamiltonian walk is any open sequence of edges of minimal length which includes every vertex of . In this paper bounds of lengths of open Hamiltonian walks are studied.
Ladislav Nebeský (1978)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal