Displaying similar documents to “Realization problem for a class of positive continuous-time systems with delays”

Realization problem for positive multivariable discretetime linear systems with delays in the state vector and inputs

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The realization problem for positive multivariable discrete-time systems with delays in the state and inputs is formulated and solved. Conditions for its solvability and the existence of a minimal positive realization are established. A procedure for the computation of a positive realization of a proper rational matrix is presented and illustrated with examples.

A realization problem for positive continuoustime systems with reduced numbers of delays

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


A realization problem for positive, continuous-time linear systems with reduced numbers of delays in state and in control is formulated and solved. Sufficient conditions for the existence of positive realizations with reduced numbers of delays of a given proper transfer function are established. A procedure for the computation of positive realizations with reduced numbers of delays is presented and illustrated by an example.

Existence and determination of the set of Metzler matrices for given stable polynomials

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The problem of the existence and determination of the set of Metzler matrices for given stable polynomials is formulated and solved. Necessary and sufficient conditions are established for the existence of the set of Metzler matrices for given stable polynomials. A procedure for finding the set of Metzler matrices for given stable polynomials is proposed and illustrated with numerical examples.

Positive 2D discrete-time linear Lyapunov systems

Przemysław Przyborowski, Tadeusz Kaczorek (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Two models of positive 2D discrete-time linear Lyapunov systems are introduced. For both the models necessary and sufficient conditions for positivity, asymptotic stability, reachability and observability are established. The discussion is illustrated with numerical examples.

Equivalence and reduction of delay-differential systems

Mohamed Boudellioua (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


A new direct method is presented which reduces a given high-order representation of a control system with delays to a first-order form that is encountered in the study of neutral delay-differential systems. Using the polynomial system description (PMD) setting due to Rosenbrock, it is shown that the transformation connecting the original PMD with the first-order form is Fuhrmann's strict system equivalence. This type of system equivalence leaves the transfer function and other relevant...