Displaying similar documents to “Measures connected with Bargmann's representation of the q-commutation relation for q > 1”

Singular measures and the key of G.

Stephen M. Buckley, Paul MacManus (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


We construct a sequence of doubling measures, whose doubling constants tend to 1, all for which kill a G set of full Lebesgue measure.

Two problems on doubling measures.

Robert Kaufman, Jang-Mei Wu (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana


Doubling measures appear in relation to quasiconformal mappings of the unit disk of the complex plane onto itself. Each such map determines a homeomorphism of the unit circle on itself, and the problem arises, which mappings f can occur as boundary mappings?

Properties of refinable measures.

Tim N. T. Goodman (2002)



We give some new properties of refinable measures and survey results on their asymptotic normality. We also give a survey on the asymptotically optimal time-frequency localisation of refinable measures and associated wavelets.

On generalized information and divergence measures and their applications: a brief review.

Inder Jeet Taneja, Leandro Pardo, Domingo Morales, María Luisa Menéndez (1989)



The aim of this review is to give different two-parametric generalizations of the following measures: directed divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951), Jensen difference divergence (Burbea and Rao 1982 a,b; Rao, 1982) and Jeffreys invariant divergence (Jeffreys, 1946). These generalizations are put in the unified expression and their properties are studied. The applications of generalized information and divergence measures to comparison of experiments and the connections with Fisher...

Continuous measures on compact Lie groups

M. Anoussis, A. Bisbas (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We study continuous measures on a compact semisimple Lie group G using representation theory. In Section 2 we prove a Wiener type characterization of a continuous measure. Next we construct central measures on G which are related to the well known Riesz products on locally compact abelian groups. Using these measures we show in Section 3 that if C is a compact set of continuous measures on G there exists a singular measure ν such that ν * μ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Haar...

Vector-valued Choquet-Deny theorem, renewal equation and self-similar measures

Ka-Sing Lau, Jian-Rong Wang, Cho-Ho Chu (1995)

Studia Mathematica


The Choquet-Deny theorem and Deny’s theorem are extended to the vector-valued case. They are applied to give a simple nonprobabilistic proof of the vector-valued renewal theorem, which is used to study the L p -dimension, the L p -density and the Fourier transformation of vector-valued self-similar measures. The results answer some questions raised by Strichartz.