Eliminating transformations for nuisance parameters in linear model
Pavla Kunderová (2003)
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica
Pavla Kunderová (2003)
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica
Gabriela Beganu (2007)
It is well known that there were proved several necessary and sufficient conditions for the ordinary least squares estimators (OLSE) to be the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) of the fixed effects in general linear models. The purpose of this article is to verify one of these conditions given by Zyskind [39, 40]: there exists a matrix Q such that ΩX = XQ, where X and Ω are the design matrix and the covariance matrix, respectively. It will be shown the accessibility of this condition...
Júlia Volaufová, Viktor Witkovský (1992)
Applications of Mathematics
The MINQUE of the linear function of the unknown variance-components parameter in mixed linear model under linear restrictions of the type is defined and derived. As an illustration of this estimator the example of the one-way classification model with the restrictions , where , is given.
Lubomír Kubáček (2012)
Applications of Mathematics
Estimators of parameters of an investigated object can be considered after some time as insufficiently precise. Therefore, an additional measurement must be realized. A model of a measurement, taking into account both the original results and the new ones, has a litle more complicated covariance matrix, since the variance components occur in it. How to deal with them is the aim of the paper.