Spectral radius characterization of commutativity in Banach algebras
Jaroslav Zemánek (1977)
Studia Mathematica
Jaroslav Zemánek (1977)
Studia Mathematica
Vladimír Müller (1977)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Banach Center Publications
Jaroslav Zemánek (1982)
Banach Center Publications
James Rovnyak (1982)
Banach Center Publications
Thomas, Gary M. (1981)
Portugaliae mathematica
Studia Mathematica
Rachid ElHarti, Mohamed Mabrouk (2015)
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica
Let A and B be two non-unital reduced Banach *-algebras and φ: A → B be a vector space isomorphism. The two following statement holds: If φ is a *-isomorphism, then φ is isometric (with respect to the C*-norms), bipositive and φ maps some approximate identity of A onto an approximate identity of B. Conversely, any two of the later three properties imply that φ is a *-isomorphism. Finally, we show that a unital and self-adjoint spectral isometry between semi-simple Hermitian Banach algebras...
Vlastimil Pták (1982)
Banach Center Publications
Rudi Brits (2011)
Studia Mathematica
We extend an example of B. Aupetit, which illustrates spectral discontinuity for operators on an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space, to a general spectral discontinuity result in abstract Banach algebras. This can then be used to show that given any Banach algebra, Y, one may adjoin to Y a non-commutative inessential ideal, I, so that in the resulting algebra, A, the following holds: To each x ∈ Y whose spectrum separates the plane there corresponds a perturbation of x, of...