Displaying similar documents to “Iterative-interpolation algorithms for L 2 model reduction”

Local interpolation by a quadratic Lagrange finite element in 1D

Josef Dalík (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum


We analyse the error of interpolation of functions from the space H 3 ( a , c ) in the nodes a < b < c of a regular quadratic Lagrange finite element in 1D by interpolants from the local function space of this finite element. We show that the order of the error depends on the way in which the mutual positions of nodes a , b , c change as the length of interval [ a , c ] approaches zero.

Convergence model of interest rates of CKLS type

Zuzana Zíková, Beáta Stehlíková (2012)



This paper deals with convergence model of interest rates, which explains the evolution of interest rate in connection with the adoption of Euro currency. Its dynamics is described by two stochastic differential equations – the domestic and the European short rate. Bond prices are then solutions to partial differential equations. For the special case with constant volatilities closed form solutions for bond prices are known. Substituting its constant volatilities by instantaneous volatilities...

The implicit generalized order complementarity problem and Leontief's input-output model

G. Isac, M. Kostreva (1997)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We consider the Implicit Generalized Order Complementarity Problem and we use this mathematical model to study a nonlinear and conceptual generalization of Leontief's input-output economic model. We suppose that the economic system works with several technologies and the considered functions are not necessarily increasing.

Finding target units in FDH model by least-distance measure model

Ali Ebrahimnejad, Reza Shahverdi, Farzad Rezaee Balf, Maryam Hatefi (2013)



Recently, some authors used the Least-Distance Measure model in order to obtain the shortest distance between the evaluated Decision Making Unit (DMU) and the strongly efficient production frontier. But, their model is not applicable for situation in which the production possibility set satisfies free disposability property. In this paper, we propose a new approach to this end in FDH model which improves the application potential of the Least-Distance Measure and overcomes the mentioned...