Monogenicity of probability measures based on measurable sets invariant under finite groups of transformations
Jürgen Hille, Detlef Plachky (1996)
Jürgen Hille, Detlef Plachky (1996)
James T. Campbell, Jared T. Collins, Steven Kalikow, Raena King, Randall McCutcheon (2015)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Given a measure-preserving transformation T of a probability space (X,ℬ,μ) and a finite measurable partition ℙ of X, we show how to construct an Alpern tower of any height whose base is independent of the partition ℙ. That is, given N ∈ ℕ, there exists a Rokhlin tower of height N, with base B and error set E, such that B is independent of ℙ, and TE ⊂ B.
C. A. Morales (2013)
Mathematica Bohemica
We study countable partitions for measurable maps on measure spaces such that, for every point , the set of points with the same itinerary as that of is negligible. We prove in nonatomic probability spaces that every strong generator (Parry, W., Aperiodic transformations and generators, J. London Math. Soc. 43 (1968), 191–194) satisfies this property (but not conversely). In addition, measurable maps carrying partitions with this property are aperiodic and their corresponding spaces...
J. Łoś (1955)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura (2006)
Formalized Mathematics
In this article, we first discuss the relation between measure defined using extended real numbers and probability defined using real numbers. Further, we define completeness of probability, and its completion method, and also show that they coincide with those of measure.
Iwanik, A.