Normal and category measures on topological spaces
Flachsmeyer, J.
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The Radon spaces of type (T), i.e., topological spaces for which every finite Borel measure on Omega is T-additive and T-regular are characterized. The class of these spaces is very wide and in particular it contains the Radon spaces. We extend the results of Marczewski an Sikorski to the sygma-metrizable spaces and to the subsets of the Banach spaces endowed with the weak topology. Finally, the completely additive families of measurable subsets related with the works of Hansell, Koumoullis,...
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Annales de l'institut Fourier
A notion of negligible sets for polydiscs is introduced. Some properties of non-negligible sets are proved. These results are used to construct good and good inner functions on polydiscs.
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