Displaying similar documents to “A graphical representation of relational formulae with complementation∗”

A graphical representation of relational formulae with complementation

Domenico Cantone, Andrea Formisano, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo, Eugenio Giovanni Omodeo (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


We study translations of dyadic first-order sentences into equalities between relational expressions. The proposed translation techniques (which work also in the converse direction) exploit a graphical representation of formulae in a hybrid of the two formalisms. A major enhancement relative to previous work is that we can cope with the relational complement construct and with the negation connective. Complementation is handled by adopting a Smullyan-like uniform notation to classify...

Gibbs-Markov-Young structures, ,

Carla L. Dias (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings


We discuss the geometric structures defined by Young in [9, 10], which are used to prove the existence of an ergodic absolutely continuous invariant probability measure and to study the decay of correlations in expanding or hyperbolic systems on large parts.

Numerical simulations of the focal spot generated by a set of laser beams : LMJ

Antoine Bourgeade, Boniface Nkonga (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings


In order to get the fusion of small capsules containing a deuterium-tritium nuclear fuel, the MegaJoule laser (LMJ) will focus a large number of laser beams inside a cylinder (Hohlraum) which contains the fusion capsule. In order to control this process we have to know as well as possible the electromagnetic field created by the laser beams on both Hohlraum’s apertures. This article describes a numerical tool which computes this electromagnetic...

High-order WENO scheme for polymerization-type equations

Pierre Gabriel, Léon Matar Tine (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings


Polymerization of proteins is a biochemical process involved in different diseases. Mathematically, it is generally modeled by aggregation-fragmentation-type equations. In this paper we consider a general polymerization model and propose a high-order numerical scheme to investigate the behavior of the solution. An important property of the equation is the mass conservation. The WENO scheme is built to preserve the total mass of proteins ...

Fluid flow modeling in complex areas,

Jean–Marc Mounsamy, Jacques Laminie, Pascal Poullet (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings


We show first results of 3D simulation of sea currents in a realistic context. We use the full Navier–Stokes equations for incompressible viscous fluid. The problem is solved using a second order incremental projection method associated with the finite volume of the staggered (MAC) scheme for the spatial discretization. After validation on classical cases, it is used in a numerical simulation of the Pointe à Pitre harbour area. The use of the fictious domain method permits us to take...

Influence of waves on Lagrangian acceleration in two-dimensional turbulent flows

Romain Nguyen van yen, Benjamin Kadoch, Vivek Kumar, Benjamin Ménétrier, Marie Farge, Kai Schneider, Diane Douady, Lionel Guez (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings


The Lagrangian statistics in rotating Saint-Venant turbulence are studied by means of direct numerical simulation using a pseudo-spectral discretization fully resolving, both in time and space, all the inertio-gravity waves present in the system. To understand the influence of waves, three initial conditions are considered, one which is dominated by waves, one which is dominated by vortices, and one which is intermediate between these two ...