Displaying similar documents to “Commutative images of rational languages and the Abelian kernel of a monoid”

Commutative images of rational languages and the abelian kernel of a monoid

Manuel Delgado (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


Natural algorithms to compute rational expressions for recognizable languages, even those which work well in practice, may produce very long expressions. So, aiming towards the computation of the commutative image of a recognizable language, one should avoid passing through an expression produced this way. We modify here one of those algorithms in order to compute directly a semilinear expression for the commutative image of a recognizable language. We also give a second modification...

Free group languages: Rational versus recognizable

Pedro V. Silva (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We provide alternative proofs and algorithms for results proved by Sénizergues on rational and recognizable free group languages. We consider two different approaches to the basic problem of deciding recognizability for rational free group languages following two fully independent paths: the symmetrification method (using techniques inspired by the study of inverse automata and inverse monoids) and the right stabilizer method (a general approach generalizable to other classes of groups)....

Decision problems among the main subfamilies of rational relations

Olivier Carton, Christian Choffrut, Serge Grigorieff (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We consider the four families of recognizable, synchronous, deterministic rational and rational subsets of a direct product of free monoids. They form a strict hierarchy and we investigate the following decision problem: given a relation in one of the families, does it belong to a smaller family? We settle the problem entirely when all monoids have a unique generator and fill some gaps in the general case. In particular, adapting a proof of Stearns, we show that it is recursively decidable whether...