On error estimation for the pseudosolution of an inconsistent linear system
M. V. Ćelić (1989)
Matematički Vesnik
M. V. Ćelić (1989)
Matematički Vesnik
Rüter, Marcus, Chen, Jiun-Shyan
Error-controlled adaptive meshfree methods are presented for both global error measures, such as the energy norm, and goal-oriented error measures in terms of quantities of interest. The meshfree method chosen in this paper is the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), since it is based on a Galerkin scheme and therefore allows extensions of quality control approaches as already developed for the finite element method. Our approach of goal-oriented error estimation is based on the...
I. Babuska, M. Bieterman (1982)
Numerische Mathematik
Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss (2016)
There are two kinds of universal schemes for estimating residual waiting times, those where the error tends to zero almost surely and those where the error tends to zero in some integral norm. Usually these schemes are different because different methods are used to prove their consistency. In this note we will give a single scheme where the average error is eventually small for all time instants, while the error itself tends to zero along a sequence of stopping times of density one. ...
Feng Gao (1989/90)
Numerische Mathematik
I. Babuska, M. Bieterman (1982)
Numerische Mathematik
Mark Ainsworth, J. Tinsley Oden (1993)
Numerische Mathematik
Ś. Ząbek (1972)
Applicationes Mathematicae
P.M. Hanson, J.E. Walsh (1984)
Numerische Mathematik
J. Meinguet, J. Descloux (1976/1977)
Numerische Mathematik
Theofanis Strouboulis, Delin Wang (2024)
Applications of Mathematics
We deal with the a-posteriori estimation of the error for finite element solutions of nonstationary heat conduction problems with mixed boundary conditions on bounded polygonal domains. The a-posteriori error estimates are constucted by solving stationary “reconstruction” problems, obtained by replacing the time derivative of the exact solution by the time derivative of the finite element solution. The main result is that the reconstructed solutions, or reconstructions, are superconvergent...