Invariant operations on manifolds with almost Hermitian symmetric structures. II: Normal Cartan connections.
Čap, A., Slovák, J., Souček, V. (1997)
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series
Čap, A., Slovák, J., Souček, V. (1997)
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series
Martin Panák (2003)
Archivum Mathematicum
We prove, that -th order gauge natural operators on the bundle of Cartan connections with a target in the gauge natural bundles of the order (“tensor bundles”) factorize through the curvature and its invariant derivatives up to order . On the course to this result we also prove that the invariant derivations (a generalization of the covariant derivation for Cartan geometries) of the curvature function of a Cartan connection have the tensor character. A modification of the theorem...
Ülo Lumiste (1981)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Vladimír Lešovský (1982)
Archivum Mathematicum