Displaying similar documents to “An expectation maximization algorithm to model failure times by continuous-time Markov chains.”

Fast simulation for road traffic network

Roberta Jungblut-Hessel, Brigitte Plateau, William J. Stewart, Bernard Ycart (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


In this paper we present a method to perform fast simulation of large markovian systems. This method is based on the use of three concepts: Markov chain uniformization, event-driven dynamics, and modularity. An application of urban traffic simulation is presented to illustrate the performance of our approach.

Hit and run as a unifying device

Hans C. Andersen, Persi Diaconis (2007)

Journal de la société française de statistique


We present a generalization of hit and run algorithms for Markov chain Monte Carlo problems that is ‘equivalent’ to data augmentation and auxiliary variables. These algorithms contain the Gibbs sampler and Swendsen-Wang block spin dynamics as special cases. The unification allows theorems, examples, and heuristics developed in one domain to illuminate parallel domains.

Central limit theorem for hitting times of functionals of Markov jump processes

Christian Paroissin, Bernard Ycart (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


A sample of i.i.d. continuous time Markov chains being defined, the sum over each component of a real function of the state is considered. For this functional, a central limit theorem for the first hitting time of a prescribed level is proved. The result extends the classical central limit theorem for order statistics. Various reliability models are presented as examples of applications.

Stochastic algorithm for Bayesian mixture effect template estimation

Stéphanie Allassonnière, Estelle Kuhn (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


The estimation of probabilistic deformable template models in computer vision or of probabilistic atlases in Computational Anatomy are core issues in both fields. A first coherent statistical framework where the geometrical variability is modelled as a hidden random variable has been given by [S. Allassonnière , (2007) 3–29]. They introduce a Bayesian approach and mixture of them to estimate deformable template models. A consistent stochastic algorithm has been introduced...