The Steiner formulas for the open planar homothetic motions.
Yüce, Salim, Kuruoğlu, Nuri (2006)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
Yüce, Salim, Kuruoğlu, Nuri (2006)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
Lawler, Gregory F. (1995)
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal [electronic only]
Düldül, Mustafa (2010)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
Adolf Karger (1983)
Aplikace matematiky
The author studies the Euclidean space motions with the property that the trajectory of every point is an affine image of a given space curve. Such motions split into plane motions and translations and their trajectories are cylindrical curves. They are characterized as motions with the following property: Not all trajectories are plane curves and if any trajectory has a planar point, it lies in a plane. Motions with infinitely many straight trajectories form a special subclass of those...
Yüce, Salim, Kuruoğlu, Nuri (2007)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
Marie Kargerová (1990)
Aplikace matematiky
The paper is devoted to Euclidean space motions with two straight trajectories on two given skew straight lines. It describes all motions from this class which have one more planar trajectory in a plane not parallel to the given lines. In the conclusion it given conditions under which such motions have further planar trajectories in planes not parallel to the given skew straight lines.
Salim Yüce, Nuri Kuruoğlu (2005)
Applications of Mathematics
In this paper, under the one-parameter closed planar homothetic motion, a generalization of Holditch Theorem is obtained by using two different line segments (with fixed lengths) whose endpoints move along two different closed curves.