Displaying similar documents to “Some properties of multiple parameters linear programming.”

LFS functions in multi-objective programming

Luka Neralić, Sanjo Zlobec (1996)

Applications of Mathematics


We find conditions, in multi-objective convex programming with nonsmooth functions, when the sets of efficient (Pareto) and properly efficient solutions coincide. This occurs, in particular, when all functions have locally flat surfaces (LFS). In the absence of the LFS property the two sets are generally different and the characterizations of efficient solutions assume an asymptotic form for problems with three or more variables. The results are applied to a problem in highway construction,...

On the complexity of determining tolerances for ε-optimal solutions to min-max combinatorial optimization problems

Diptesh Ghosh, Gerard Sierksma (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae


This paper studies the complexity of sensitivity analysis for optimal and ε-optimal solutions to general 0-1 combinatorial optimization problems with min-max objectives. Van Hoesel and Wagelmans [9] have studied the complexity of sensitivity analysis of optimal and ε-optimal solutions to min-sum problems, and Ramaswamy et al. [17] the complexity of sensitivity analysis of optimal solutions to min-max problems. We show that under some mild assumptions the sensitivity analysis of ε-optimal...