Further results concerning delay-dependent control for uncertain discrete-time systems with time-varying delay.
Zong, Guangdeng, Hou, Linlin, Yang, Hongyong (2009)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Zong, Guangdeng, Hou, Linlin, Yang, Hongyong (2009)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Mai Viet Thuan, Vu Ngoc Phat, Hieu Trinh (2012)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
This paper considers the problem of designing an observer-based output feedback controller to exponentially stabilize a class of linear systems with an interval time-varying delay in the state vector. The delay is assumed to vary within an interval with known lower and upper bounds. The time-varying delay is not required to be differentiable, nor should its lower bound be zero. By constructing a set of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and utilizing the Newton-Leibniz formula, a delay-dependent...
Mahmoud, Magdi S. (1998)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Leite, Valter J.S., Miranda, Márcio F. (2008)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Lubomír Bakule, Josep M. Rossell (2008)
Jenq-Der Chen, Chyi-Da Yang, Kuo-Jung Lin, Chang-Hua Lien (2008)
Control and Cybernetics
Lubomír Bakule, Manuel de la Sen (2009)
The paper deals with the synthesis of a non-fragile state controller with reduced design complexity for a class of continuous-time nonlinear delayed symmetric composite systems. Additive controller gain perturbations are considered. Both subsystems and interconnections include time-delays. A low-order control design system is first constructed. Then, stabilizing controllers with norm bounded gain uncertainties are designed for the control design system using linear matrix inequalities...
Mehdi, D., Boukas, E.K. (2003)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering