A multilevel algorithm for force-directed graph-drawing.
Walshaw, Chris (2003)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Walshaw, Chris (2003)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Harel, David, Koren, Yehuda (2002)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Klukas, Christian, Koschützki, Dirk, Schreiber, Falk (2005)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Liebers, Annegret (2001)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Zoltán Ádám Mann (2010)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Workflow graphs, consisting of actions, events, and logical switches, are used to model business processes. In order to easily identify the actions within a workflow graph, it is useful to number them in such a way that the numbering reflects the structure of the workflow. However, available tools offer only rudimental numbering schemes. In the paper, a set of natural requirements is defined that a logical numbering should fulfill. It is investigated under what conditions there is an...
José Cáceres, Alberto Márquez (1997)
Mathematica Bohemica
In this work, we get a combinatorial characterization for maximal generalized outerplanar graphs (mgo graphs). This result yields a recursive algorithm testing whether a graph is a mgo graph or not.
Jiří Matoušek, Jaroslav Nešetřil, Robin D. Thomas (1988)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae