Displaying similar documents to “A few remarks on the history of MST-problem”

The color-balanced spanning tree problem

Štefan Berežný, Vladimír Lacko (2005)



Suppose a graph G = ( V , E ) whose edges are partitioned into p disjoint categories (colors) is given. In the color-balanced spanning tree problem a spanning tree is looked for that minimizes the variability in the number of edges from different categories. We show that polynomiality of this problem depends on the number p of categories and present some polynomial algorithm.

Programming and Testing a Two-Tree Algorithm

Vassilev, Tzvetalin, Ammerlaan, Joanna (2013)

Serdica Journal of Computing


ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.2.2, F.2.2. Recently, Markov, Vassilev and Manev [2] proposed an algorithm for finding the longest path in 2-trees. In this paper, we describe an implementation of the algorithm. We briefly discuss the algorithm and present example that helps the reader grasp the main algorithmic ideas. Further, we discuss the important stages in the implementation of the algorithm and justify the decisions taken. Then, we present experimental...