The law of large numbers for -statistics under absolute regularity.
Arcones, Miguel A. (1998)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Arcones, Miguel A. (1998)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Baklanov, E.A. (2006)
Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
Necir, Abdelhakim, Meraghni, Djamel (2010)
Journal of Probability and Statistics
von Collani, Elart (2014)
Serdica Journal of Computing
Statistics has penetrated almost all branches of science and all areas of human endeavor. At the same time, statistics is not only misunderstood, misused and abused to a frightening extent, but it is also often much disliked by students in colleges and universities. This lecture discusses/covers/addresses the historical development of statistics, aiming at identifying the most important turning points that led to the present state of statistics and at answering the questions “What went...
Gadasina, L.V. (2005)
Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI
Aktuárské vědy
K. Sarkadi (1980)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Aleš Slabý (2001)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
The purpose of the paper is to investigate weak asymptotic behaviour of rank statistics proposed for detection of gradual changes, linear trends in particular. The considered statistics can be used for various test procedures. The fundaments of the proofs are formed by results of Hušková [4] and Jarušková [5].