Displaying similar documents to “Atomicity of the Boolean algebra of direct factors of a directed set”

Unions of uniquely complemented lattices

Ján Jakubík (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica


In this paper we generalize a result of V. N. Salij concerning direct product decompositions of lattices which are complete and uniquely complemented.

On special Riemannian 3 -manifolds with distinct constant Ricci eigenvalues

Oldřich Kowalski, Zdeněk Vlášek (1999)

Mathematica Bohemica


The first author and F. Prufer gave an explicit classification of all Riemannian 3-manifolds with distinct constant Ricci eigenvalues and satisfying additional geometrical conditions. The aim of the present paper is to get the same classification under weaker geometrical conditions.

Linear integral equations in the space of regulated functions

Milan Tvrdý (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica


n this paper we investigate systems of linear integral equations in the space 𝔾 L n of n -vector valued functions which are regulated on the closed interval [ 0 , 1 ] (i.e. such that can have only discontinuities of the first kind in [ 0 , 1 ] ) and left-continuous in the corresponding open interval ( 0 , 1 ) . In particular, we are interested in systems of the form x(t) - A(t)x(0) - 01B(t,s)[d x(s)] = f(t), where f 𝔾 L n , the columns of the n × n -matrix valued function A belong to 𝔾 L n , the entries of B ( t , . ) have a bounded variation...