Displaying similar documents to “Scheduling with periodic availability constraints and irregular cost functions”

How to eliminate non-positive circuits in periodic scheduling: a proactive strategy based on shortest path equations

Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Sébastien Briais, Karine Deschinkel (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


Usual periodic scheduling problems deal with precedence constraints having non-negative latencies. This seems a natural way for modelling scheduling problems, since task delays are generally non-negative quantities. However, in some cases, we need to consider edges latencies that do not only model task latencies, but model other precedence constraints. For instance in register optimisation problems devoted to optimising compilation, a generic machine or processor model can allow considering...

France Telecom workforce scheduling problem: a challenge

Sebastian Pokutta, Gautier Stauffer (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research


In this paper, we describe the methodology used to tackle France Telecom workforce scheduling problem (the subject of the Roadef Challenge 2007) and we report the results obtained on the different data sets provided for the competition. Since the problem at hand appears to be NP-hard and due to the high dimensions of the instance sets, we use a two-step heuristical approach. We first devise a problem-tailored heuristic that provides good feasible solutions and then we use a meta-heuristic...

MIP-based heuristics for multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and shortage costs

Nabil Absi, Safia Kedad-Sidhoum (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research


We address a multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times that arises in real-world production planning contexts. Demand cannot be backlogged, but can be totally or partially lost. Safety stock is an objective to reach rather than an industrial constraint to respect. The problem is NP-hard. We propose mixed integer programming heuristics based on a planning horizon decomposition strategy to find a feasible solution. The planning horizon is partitioned into several sub-horizons...

Consistency checking within local search applied to the frequency assignment with polarization problem

Michel Vasquez, Audrey Dupont, Djamal Habet (2003)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


We present a hybrid approach for the Frequency Assignment Problem with Polarization. This problem, viewed as Max-CSP, is treated as a sequence of decision problems, CSP like. The proposed approach combines the Arc-Consistency techniques with a performed Tabu Search heuristic. The resulting algorithm gives some high quality solutions and has proved its robustness on instances with approximately a thousand variables and nearly ten thousand constraints.