Displaying similar documents to “Removing sets from connected product spaces while preserving connectedness”

Closed connected sets which remain connected upon the removal of certain, connected subsets

John Kline (1924)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The purpose of this paper is to prove: Theorem: Suppose M is a closed connected set containing more than one point such that if g is any connected subset of M, then M-g is connected. Under these conditions M is a simple closed curve. Theorem: If M is an unbounded closed connected set which remains connected upon the removal of any unbounded connected proper subset, then M is either an open curve, a ray of an open curve or a simple closed curve J plus OP, a ray of an open curve which...

Concerning connectedness im kleinen and a related property

R. Moore (1922)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Sierpinski has shown (Wacław Sierpiński Sur une condition pour qu'un continu soit une courbe jordanienne, Fundamenta Mathematicae I (1920), pp. 44-60) that in order that a closed and connected set of points M should be a continuous curve it is necessary and sufficient that, for every positive number ϵ, the connected point-set M should be the sum of a finite number of closed and connected point-sets each of diameter less than ϵ. It follows that, as applied to point-sets which are closed,...