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Displaying similar documents to “Arithmetization of the field of reals with exponentiation extended abstract”

An improved derandomized approximation algorithm for the max-controlled set problem

Carlos Martinhon, Fábio Protti (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


A vertex of a graph = () is said to be by M V if the majority of the elements of the neighborhood of  (including itself) belong to . The set is a in if every vertex i V is controlled by . Given a set M V and two graphs = ( V , E 1 ) and = ( V , E 2 ) where E 1 E 2 , the consists of deciding whether there exists a sandwich graph = () (, a graph where E 1 E E 2 ) such that is a monopoly in = (). If the answer to the is No, we then consider the , whose objective is to find a sandwich...

An improved derandomized approximation algorithm for the max-controlled set problem

Carlos Martinhon, Fábio Protti (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


A vertex of a graph = () is said to be by M V if the majority of the elements of the neighborhood of  (including itself) belong to . The set is a in if every vertex i V is controlled by . Given a set M V and two graphs = ( V , E 1 ) and = ( V , E 2 ) where E 1 E 2 , the consists of deciding whether there exists a sandwich graph = () (, a graph where E 1 E E 2 ) such that is a monopoly in = (). If the answer to the is No, we then consider the , whose objective is to find a sandwich...

A CAT algorithm for the exhaustive generation of ice piles

Paolo Massazza, Roberto Radicioni (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We present a CAT (constant amortized time) algorithm for generating those partitions of that are in the IPM k (), a generalization of the SPM (). More precisely, for any fixed integer , we show that the negative lexicographic ordering naturally identifies a tree structure on the lattice IPM k (): this lets us design an algorithm which generates all the ice piles of IPM k () in amortized time (1) and in space ( n ).

About the decision of reachability for register machines

Véronique Cortier (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We study the decidability of the following problem: given  affine functions ƒ,...,ƒ over k and two vectors v 1 , v 2 k , is reachable from by successive iterations of ƒ,...,ƒ (in this given order)? We show that this question is decidable for and undecidable for some fixed .