Observations on quasi-linear partial differential equations
Piotr Besala (1991)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Piotr Besala (1991)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Jesús M. Fernández Castillo, Yolanda Moreno (2002)
Extracta Mathematicae
Rajesh, N., E.Ekici (2008)
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
D. J. Grubb (2008)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
A quasi-linear map from a continuous function space C(X) is one which is linear on each singly generated subalgebra. We show that the collection of quasi-linear functionals has a Banach space pre-dual with a natural order. We then investigate quasi-linear maps between two continuous function spaces, classifying them in terms of generalized image transformations.
B. Gleichgewicht (1962)
Colloquium Mathematicae
H. Länger (1980)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Roman Sikorski (1974)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Kazimierz Głazek, Anzelm Iwanik (1974)
Colloquium Mathematicum
Heydar Radjavi, Peter Šemrl (2008)
Studia Mathematica
Let X and Y be Banach spaces and ℬ(X) and ℬ(Y) the algebras of all bounded linear operators on X and Y, respectively. We say that A,B ∈ ℬ(X) quasi-commute if there exists a nonzero scalar ω such that AB = ωBA. We characterize bijective linear maps ϕ : ℬ(X) → ℬ(Y) preserving quasi-commutativity. In fact, such a characterization can be proved for much more general algebras. In the finite-dimensional case the same result can be obtained without the bijectivity assumption.
Camillo Trapani (2003)
Studia Mathematica
Different types of seminorms on a quasi *-algebra (𝔄,𝔄₀) are constructed from a suitable family ℱ of sesquilinear forms on 𝔄. Two particular classes, extended C*-seminorms and CQ*-seminorms, are studied in some detail. A necessary and sufficient condition for the admissibility of a sesquilinear form in terms of extended C*-seminorms on (𝔄,𝔄₀) is given.
Grzegorz Bancerek (2008)
Formalized Mathematics
The aim of this paper is to develop a formal theory of Mizar linguistic concepts following the ideas from [14] and [13]. The theory here presented is an abstract of the existing implementation of the Mizar system and is devoted to the formalization of Mizar expressions. The base idea behind the formalization is dependence on variables which is determined by variable-dependence (variables may depend on other variables). The dependence constitutes a Galois connection between opposite poset...