Displaying similar documents to “Tractable algorithms for chance-constrained combinatorial problems”

Enumerating the Set of Non-dominated Vectors in Multiple Objective Integer Linear Programming

John Sylva, Alejandro Crema (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research


An algorithm for enumerating all nondominated vectors of multiple objective integer linear programs is presented. The method tests different regions where candidates can be found using an auxiliary binary problem for tracking the regions already explored. An experimental comparision with our previous efforts shows the method has relatively good time performance.

An algorithm for multiparametric min max 0-1-integer programming problems relative to the objective function

José Luis Quintero, Alejandro Crema (2005)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


The multiparametric min max 0-1-Integer Programming (0-1-IP) problem relative to the objective function is a family of min max 0-1-IP problems which are related by having identical constraint matrix and right-hand-side vector. In this paper we present an algorithm to perform a complete multiparametric analysis relative to the objective function.

An algorithm for multiparametric 0-1-Integer Programming problems relative to a generalized min max objective function

José Luis Quintero, Alejandro Crema (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research


The multiparametric 0-1-Integer Programming (0-1-IP) problem relative to the objective function is a family of 0-1-IP problems which are related by having identical constraint matrix and right-hand-side vector. In this paper we present an algorithm to perform a complete multiparametric analysis relative to a generalized min max objective function such that the min sum and min max are particular cases.

On heuristic optimization.

Ciobanu, Camelia, Marin Gheorghe (2001)

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria: Matematică
