Displaying similar documents to “Increasing the Calculation Speed of an Acceleration Scheme for an Age-Structured Diffusion Model Повишаване на изчислителната скорост на ускорена схема за възрастово структуриран дифузионен модел”

A parallel method for population balance equations based on the method of characteristics

Li, Yu, Lin, Qun, Xie, Hehu


In this paper, we present a parallel scheme to solve the population balance equations based on the method of characteristics and the finite element discretization. The application of the method of characteristics transform the higher dimensional population balance equation into a series of lower dimensional convection-diffusion-reaction equations which can be solved in a parallel way. Some numerical results are presented to show the accuracy and efficiency.

Numerical approximation of density dependent diffusion in age-structured population dynamics

Gerardo-Giorda, Luca


We study a numerical method for the diffusion of an age-structured population in a spatial environment. We extend the method proposed in [2] for linear diffusion problem, to the nonlinear case, where the diffusion coefficients depend on the total population. We integrate separately the age and time variables by finite differences and we discretize the space variable by finite elements. We provide stability and convergence results and we illustrate our approach with some numerical result. ...

An efficient linear numerical scheme for the Stefan problem, the porous medium equation and nonlinear cross-diffusion systems

Molati, Motlatsi, Murakawa, Hideki


This paper deals with nonlinear diffusion problems which include the Stefan problem, the porous medium equation and cross-diffusion systems. We provide a linear scheme for these nonlinear diffusion problems. The proposed numerical scheme has many advantages. Namely, the implementation is very easy and the ensuing linear algebraic systems are symmetric, which show low computational cost. Moreover, this scheme has the accuracy comparable to that of the wellstudied nonlinear schemes and...