Alberto Conte and Sebastià Xambó (1989)
Collectanea Mathematica
Alberto Conte and Sebastià Xambó (1989)
Collectanea Mathematica
Danuta Przeworska-Rolewicz (2000)
Banach Center Publications
The term "Algebraic Analysis" in the last two decades is used in two completely different senses. It seems that at least one is far away from its historical roots. Thus, in order to explain this misunderstanding, the history of this term from its origins is recalled.
Constantinescu, Adrian (2008)
Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics
Danny J. Beckers (2000)
Revue d'histoire des mathématiques
The beginning of the 19th century witnessed the emergence of several new approaches to negative numbers. New notions of rigour made the 18th century conceptions of negative quantities unacceptable. This paper discusses theories of negative numbers emerging in the Netherlands in the early 19th century. Dutch mathematicians then opted for a different approach than that of their contemporaries, in Germany or France. The Dutch translation (1821) of Lacroix’s illustrates the ‘Dutch’ notion...
Wilbur R. Knorr (2001)
Revue d'histoire des mathématiques
In a hitherto unpublished lecture, delivered in Atlanta, 1975, W.R. Knorr reflects on historical method, its sensitivity to modern work, both in mathematics and in the philosophy of mathematics. Three examples taken from the work of Tannery, Hasse, Scholz and Becker and concerning the study of pre-euclidean geometry are discussed: the mis-described discovery of irrational ‘numbers’, the alleged foundations crisis in the 5th century B.C. and the problem of constructibility.
Jacqueline Boniface (2005)
Philosophia Scientiae
Most of the time, Kronecker’s views on the foundations of mathematics are reduced to some scattered ideas. However, they constitute an original and coherent doctrine, justified by epistemological convictions. This doctrine appears in the article , published in the (1887) and, especially, in the last course taught by Kronecker, which took place in Berlin during the 1891 summer semester. This article would precise the principles and the insights of the Kroneckerian doctrine and then compare...
Giuseppe Tallini (1985)
Acta Arithmetica
Stanisław Domoradzki