Nullity of Graphs: An Updated Survey
Ivan Gutman, Bojana Borovićanin (2011)
Zbornik Radova
Ivan Gutman, Bojana Borovićanin (2011)
Zbornik Radova
Bijana Borovićanin, Ivan Gutman (2009)
Zbornik Radova
Ivan Gutman (2011)
Zbornik Radova
Gary Chartrand, Ortrud R. Oellermann, Sergio Ruiz (1986)
Mathematica Slovaca
Ivan Gutman, Yeong Nan Yeh (1995)
Mathematica Slovaca
Benjamin S. Baumer, Yijin Wei, Gary S. Bloom (2016)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
Suppose that G is a simple, vertex-labeled graph and that S is a multiset. Then if there exists a one-to-one mapping between the elements of S and the vertices of G, such that edges in G exist if and only if the absolute difference of the corresponding vertex labels exist in S, then G is an autograph, and S is a signature for G. While it is known that many common families of graphs are autographs, and that infinitely many graphs are not autographs, a non-autograph has never been exhibited....
H. S. Ramane, D. S. Revankar, I. Gutman, H. B. Walikar (2009)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique