Hydrodynamic Limit of a Ginzburg-Landau Lattice Model in a Symmetric Random Medium
J. Fritz (1989)
Recherche Coopérative sur Programme n°25
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J. Fritz (1989)
Recherche Coopérative sur Programme n°25
Lothar Afflerbach (1986)
Manuscripta mathematica
Jaroslav Ježek, Václav Slavík (2000)
Mathematica Bohemica
Algorithms for generating random posets, random lattices and random lattice terms are given.
Lee, Tzong-Yow, Torcaso, Fred (1997)
Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society [electronic only]
Tomasz Odrzygóźdź (2016)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We introduce a new random group model called the square model: we quotient a free group on n generators by a random set of relations, each of which is a reduced word of length 4. We prove that, just as in the Gromov model, for densities > 1/2 a random group in the square model is trivial with overwhelming probability and for densities < 1/2 a random group is hyperbolic with overwhelming probability. Moreover, we show that for densities d < 1/3 a random group in the square model...
Hubert Lacoin (2010)
Actes des rencontres du CIRM
The directed polymer in random environment models the behavior of a polymer chain in a solution with impurities. It is a particular case of random walk in random environment. In dimensional environment is has been shown by Petermann that this random walk is superdiffusive. We show superdiffusivity properties are reinforced were there are long ranged correlation in the environment and that super diffusivity also occurs in higher dimensions.
Julie Scholler (2014)
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
We pursue the study of a random coloring first passage percolation model introduced by Fontes and Newman. We prove that the asymptotic shape of this first passage percolation model continuously depends on the law of the coloring. The proof uses several couplings, particularly with greedy lattice animals.
Maciej Malicki (2014)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We prove that the automorphism group of the random lattice is not amenable, and we identify the universal minimal flow for the automorphism group of the random distributive lattice.
Hery Randriamaro (2023)
Archivum Mathematicum
One usually studies the random walk model of a cat moving from one room to another in an apartment. Imagine now that the cat also has the possibility to go from one apartment to another by crossing some corridors, or even from one building to another. That yields a new probabilistic model for which each corridor connects the entrance rooms of several apartments. This article computes the determinant of the stochastic matrix associated to such random walks. That new model naturally allows...
Andrzej Chydziński, Bogdan Smołka (2001)
Applicationes Mathematicae
This paper deals with the properties of self-avoiding walks defined on the lattice with the 8-neighbourhood system. We compute the number of walks, bridges and mean-square displacement for N=1 through 13 (N is the number of steps of the self-avoiding walk). We also estimate the connective constant and critical exponents, and study finite memory and generating functions. We show applications of this kind of walk. In addition, we compute upper bounds for the number of walks and the connective...
Tomáš Kouřim, Petr Volf (2020)
Applications of Mathematics
The contribution focuses on Bernoulli-like random walks, where the past events significantly affect the walk's future development. The main concern of the paper is therefore the formulation of models describing the dependence of transition probabilities on the process history. Such an impact can be incorporated explicitly and transition probabilities modulated using a few parameters reflecting the current state of the walk as well as the information about the past path. The behavior...
N. Zygouras (2013)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
We consider a random walk in a random potential, which models a situation of a random polymer and we study the annealed and quenched costs to perform long crossings from a point to a hyperplane. These costs are measured by the so called Lyapounov norms. We identify situations where the point-to-hyperplane annealed and quenched Lyapounov norms are different. We also prove that in these cases the polymer path exhibits localization.
Agnieszka Jurlewicz, Mark M. Meerschaert, Hans-Peter Scheffler (2011)
Studia Mathematica
In a continuous time random walk (CTRW), a random waiting time precedes each random jump. The CTRW model is useful in physics, to model diffusing particles. Its scaling limit is a time-changed process, whose densities solve an anomalous diffusion equation. This paper develops limit theory and governing equations for cluster CTRW, in which a random number of jumps cluster together into a single jump. The clustering introduces a dependence between the waiting times and jumps that significantly...