On the determination of optimal time horizon in a control problem in natural resource economics.
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Kumar, Ramesh C., Naqib, Fadle M. (1995)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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Mathematical Problems in Engineering
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Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
Highfill, Jannett, McAsey, Michael (1991)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Petr Dostál (2006)
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica
K. Szajowski (1982)
Applicationes Mathematicae
L. Gajek, P. Miś, J. Słowińska (2007)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Optimal arrangement of a stream of insurance premiums for a multiperiod insurance policy is considered. In order to satisfy solvency requirements we assume that a weak Axiom of Solvency is satisfied. Then two optimization problems are solved: finding a stream of net premiums that approximates optimally 1) future claims, or 2) "anticipating premiums". It is shown that the resulting optimal streams of premiums enable differentiating between policyholders much more quickly than one-period...
Dariusz Socha (2014)
Applicationes Mathematicae
An optimal dividend problem is studied consisting in maximisation of expected discounted dividend payments until ruin time. A solution of this problem for constant premium d and exponentially distributed claims is presented. It is shown that an optimal policy is a barrier policy. Moreover, an analytic way to solve this problem is sketched.
A. Adamski, A. Korytowski, W. Mitkowski (1977)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Dean A. Carlson (1984)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni
Dean A. Carlson (1984)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti
Diptesh Ghosh, Gerard Sierksma (2003)
Applicationes Mathematicae
This paper studies the complexity of sensitivity analysis for optimal and ε-optimal solutions to general 0-1 combinatorial optimization problems with min-max objectives. Van Hoesel and Wagelmans [9] have studied the complexity of sensitivity analysis of optimal and ε-optimal solutions to min-sum problems, and Ramaswamy et al. [17] the complexity of sensitivity analysis of optimal solutions to min-max problems. We show that under some mild assumptions the sensitivity analysis of ε-optimal...
W. Antoniak, M. Kałuszka (2014)
Applicationes Mathematicae
This paper focuses on the problem of optimal arrangement of a stream of premiums in a multiperiod credibility model. On the basis of a given claim history (screening) and some individual information unknown to the insurance company (signaling), we derive the optimal streams in the case when the coverage period is not necessarily fixed, e.g., because of lapses, renewals, deaths, total losses, etc.