On the solution of optimal performance of page storage hierarchies with an independent reference string
M. Arató, A. Benczúr, A. Krámli (1980)
Banach Center Publications
M. Arató, A. Benczúr, A. Krámli (1980)
Banach Center Publications
Berend, Daniel, Sapir, Luba (2002)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences
Łukasz Kuciński (2011)
Applicationes Mathematicae
The problem of choosing an optimal insurance policy for an individual has recently been better understood, particularly due to the papers by Gajek and Zagrodny. In this paper we study its multi-agent version: we assume that insureds cooperate with one another to maximize their utility function. They create coalitions by bringing their risks to the pool and purchasing a common insurance contract. The resulting outcome is divided according to a certain rule called strategy. We address...
Mitran, Ilie (2003)
Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics
Jonasson, Johan (2004)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Saba Amsalu, Heinrich Matzinger, Serguei Popov (2007)
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
We investigate the optimal alignment of two independent random sequences of length . We provide a polynomial lower bound for the probability of the optimal alignment to be macroscopically non-unique. We furthermore establish a connection between the transversal fluctuation and macroscopic non-uniqueness.
Antonín Lešanovský, Petr Pěnička (1983)
Aplikace matematiky
A system with a single activated unit, which can be in a finite number of states, is considered. Inspections of the system are carried out at discrete time instants. It is possible to replace it by a new one at these moments. The user of the system, by setting down conditions of replacements, wants to maximize his gain, which does not include the rest value of units. On a numerical example it is shown that the frequency of replacements of the unit need not be the greater the longer is...
A. Styszyński (1980)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Flood, Joe (1998)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences
Highfill, Jannett, McAsey, Michael (1991)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences