On the coexistence of various geometries
Marek Kordos (1989)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Marek Kordos (1989)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Roland Coghetto (2016)
Formalized Mathematics
The real projective plane has been formalized in Isabelle/HOL by Timothy Makarios [13] and in Coq by Nicolas Magaud, Julien Narboux and Pascal Schreck [12]. Some definitions on the real projective spaces were introduced early in the Mizar Mathematical Library by Wojciech Leonczuk [9], Krzysztof Prazmowski [10] and by Wojciech Skaba [18]. In this article, we check with the Mizar system [4], some properties on the determinants and the Grassmann-Plücker relation in rank 3 [2], [1], [7],...
Boskoff, Wladimir G., Suceavă, Bogdan D. (2008)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Gallo, Daniel M. (1997)
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica
Andrzej Owsiejczuk (2007)
Formalized Mathematics
In the paper I construct the configuration G which is a partial linear space. It consists of k-element subsets of some base set as points and (k + 1)-element subsets as lines. The incidence is given by inclusion. I also introduce automorphisms of partial linear spaces and show that automorphisms of G are generated by permutations of the base set.
Roland Coghetto (2017)
Formalized Mathematics
In this article we check, with the Mizar system [2], Pascal’s theorem in the real projective plane (in projective geometry Pascal’s theorem is also known as the Hexagrammum Mysticum Theorem)1. Pappus’ theorem is a special case of a degenerate conic of two lines. For proving Pascal’s theorem, we use the techniques developed in the section “Projective Proofs of Pappus’ Theorem” in the chapter “Pappus’ Theorem: Nine proofs and three variations” [11]. We also follow some ideas from Harrison’s...
Leendert van Gastel (1990)
Banach Center Publications
Klaus Kaiser (1973)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Keppens, Dirk, Van Maldeghem, Hendrik (2009)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
A. N. R. Chowdhury (1968)
Matematički Vesnik
Andrzej Miernowski, Witold Mozgawa (1997)
Collectanea Mathematica
Grassmannians of higher order appeared for the first time in a paper of A. Szybiak in the context of the Cartan method of moving frame. In the present paper we consider a special case of higher order Grassmannian, the projective space of second order. We introduce the projective group of second order acting on this space, derive its Maurer-Cartan equations and show that our generalized projective space is a homogeneous space of this group.
Erich W. Ellers (1982)
Aequationes mathematicae
Jaroslava Jachanová, Helena Žáková (1976)
Sborník prací Přírodovědecké fakulty University Palackého v Olomouci. Matematika