Displaying similar documents to “A linear pseudo-Boolean viewpoint on matching and other central concepts in graph theory”

On maximal QROBDD’s of boolean functions

Jean-Francis Michon, Jean-Baptiste Yunès, Pierre Valarcher (2005)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


We investigate the structure of “worst-case” quasi reduced ordered decision diagrams and Boolean functions whose truth tables are associated to: we suggest different ways to count and enumerate them. We, then, introduce a notion of complexity which leads to the concept of “hard” Boolean functions as functions whose QROBDD are “worst-case” ones. So we exhibit the relation between hard functions and the Storage Access function (also known as Multiplexer).

On Boolean modus ponens.

Sergiu Rudeanu (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing


An abstract form of modus ponens in a Boolean algebra was suggested in [1]. In this paper we use the general theory of Boolean equations (see e.g. [2]) to obtain a further generalization. For a similar research on Boolean deduction theorems see [3].