Isotone analogs of results by Mal'tsev and Rosenberg.
Larose, Benoit (2005)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Larose, Benoit (2005)
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Lahiri, Somdeb (2002)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences
Freyd, Peter (2008)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Grzegorz Bancerek (2012)
Formalized Mathematics
In the paper the semantics of MML Query queries is given. The formalization is done according to [4]
Grzegorz Bancerek (2014)
Formalized Mathematics
Educational content for abstract reduction systems concerning reduction, convertibility, normal forms, divergence and convergence, Church- Rosser property, term rewriting systems, and the idea of the Knuth-Bendix Completion Algorithm. The theory is based on [1].
Bo Li, Xiquan Liang, Pan Wang, Yanping Zhuang (2009)
Formalized Mathematics
In this article, we give some equality and basic theorems about quaternion numbers, and some special operations.
A. Kfoury (1999)
Banach Center Publications
We define a new unification problem, which we call β-unification and which can be used to characterize the β-strong normalization of terms in the λ-calculus. We prove the undecidability of β-unification, its connection with the system of intersection types, and several of its basic properties.
Karol Pąk (2014)
Formalized Mathematics
In this article we formalize the Bertrand’s Ballot Theorem based on [17]. Suppose that in an election we have two candidates: A that receives n votes and B that receives k votes, and additionally n ≥ k. Then this theorem states that the probability of the situation where A maintains more votes than B throughout the counting of the ballots is equal to (n − k)/(n + k). This theorem is item #30 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at ...
Guillaume C. L. Brümmer, Eraldo Giuli (1992)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We introduce the concept of firm classes of morphisms as basis for the axiomatic study of completions of objects in arbitrary categories. Results on objects injective with respect to given morphism classes are included. In a finitely well-complete category, firm classes are precisely the coessential first factors of morphism factorization structures.