Displaying similar documents to “A generalized fundamental identity”

An alternative proof of the uniqueness of martingale-coboundary decomposition of strictly stationary processes

Takehiko Morita (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


P. Samek and D. Volný, in the paper ``Uniqueness of a martingale-coboundary decomposition of a stationary processes" (1992), showed the uniqueness of martingale-coboundary decomposition of strictly stationary processes. The original proof is given by reducing the problem to the ergodic case. In this note we give another proof without such reduction.

Linear transformations of locally stationary processes

Jiří Michálek (1989)

Aplikace matematiky


The paper deals with linear transformations of harmonizable locally stationary random processes. Necessary and sufficient conditions under which a linear transformation defines again a locally stationary process are given.

Stationary reflection in extender models

Ernest Schimmerling (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Working in L[E], we examine which large cardinal properties of κ imply that all stationary subsets of cof(<κ) ∩ κ⁺ reflect.

On randomized stopping times.

Concepción Arenas Solá (1990)

Trabajos de Estadística


In this note we give a proof of the fact that the extremal elements of the set of randomized stopping times are exactly the stopping times.

Induced stationary process and structure of locally square integrable periodically correlated processes

Andrzej Makagon (1999)

Studia Mathematica


A one-to-one correspondence between locally square integrable periodically correlated (PC) processes and a certain class of infinite-dimensional stationary processes is obtained. The correspondence complements and clarifies Gladyshev's known result [3] describing the correlation function of a continuous periodically correlated process. In contrast to Gladyshev's paper, the procedure for explicit reconstruction of one process from the other is provided. A representation of a PC process...