Two constructions with parabolic geometries
Čap, Andreas
Čap, Andreas
Andreas Čap (2006)
Archivum Mathematicum
There is a well known one–parameter family of left invariant CR structures on . We show how purely algebraic methods can be used to explicitly compute the canonical Cartan connections associated to these structures and their curvatures. We also obtain explicit descriptions of tractor bundles and tractor connections.
Florian Wisser (2006)
Archivum Mathematicum
The Fefferman construction associates to a manifold carrying a CR–structure a conformal structure on a sphere bundle over the manifold. There are some analogs to this construction, with one giving a Lie contact structure, a refinement of the contact bundle on the bundle of rays in the cotangent bundle of a manifold with a conformal metric. Since these structures are parabolic geometries, these constructions can be dealt with in this setting.
M. Kuranishi (1982-1983)
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique)