Displaying similar documents to “Matrix characterization of oscillation for double sequences”

Four dimensional matrix characterization of double oscillation via RH-conservative and RH-multiplicative matrices

Richard Patterson, Mulatu Lemma (2008)

Open Mathematics


In 1939 Agnew presented a series of conditions that characterized the oscillation of ordinary sequences using ordinary square conservative matrices and square multiplicative matrices. The goal of this paper is to present multidimensional analogues of Agnew’s results. To accomplish this goal we begin by presenting a notion for double oscillating sequences. Using this notion along with square RH-conservative matrices and square RH-multiplicative matrices, we will present a series of characterization...

Kamenev type oscillation criteria for second order matrix differential systems with damping

Qi-gui Yang, Sui Sun Cheng (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


By using monotone functionals and positive linear functionals on a suitable matrix space, new oscillation criteria for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping are given. The results are extensions of the Kamenev type oscillation criteria obtained by Wong for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping. These extensions also include an earlier result of Erbe et al.

Interval oscillation criteria for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping

Qigui Yang (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


By using the generalized Riccati technique and the averaging technique, we establish new oscillation criteria for the second order self-adjoint matrix differential system with damping (P(t)Y'(t))' + r(t)P(t)Y'(t) + Q(t)Y(t) = 0, t ≥ t₀. The criteria are different from most known ones in the sense that they are based on the information only on a sequence of subintervals of [t₀,∞), rather than on the whole half-line. In particular, our results complement...