Displaying similar documents to “Uniform local null control of the Leray-α model”

On the Fattorini criterion for approximate controllability and stabilizability of parabolic systems

Mehdi Badra, Takéo Takahashi (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


In this paper, we consider the well-known Fattorini’s criterion for approximate controllability of infinite dimensional linear systems of type ′ = + . We precise the result proved by Fattorini in [H.O. Fattorini, 4 (1966) 686–694.] for bounded input , in the case where can be unbounded or in the case of finite-dimensional controls. More precisely, we prove that if Fattorini’s criterion is satisfied and if the set of geometric multiplicities of is bounded then approximate controllability...

Stabilization of a non standard FETI-DP mortar method for the Stokes problem

E. Chacón Vera, T. Chacón Rebollo (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


In a recent paper [E. Chacón Vera and D. Franco Coronil, 20 (2012) 161–182.] a non standard mortar method for incompressible Stokes problem was introduced where the use of the trace spaces and H and a direct computation of the pairing of the trace spaces with their duals are the main ingredients. The importance of the reduction of the number of degrees of freedom leads naturally to consider the stabilized version and this is the results we present in this...

Non-autonomous 2D Navier–Stokes system with a simple global attractor and some averaging problems

V. V. Chepyzhov, M. I. Vishik (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


We study the global attractor of the non-autonomous 2D Navier–Stokes system with time-dependent external force . We assume that is a translation compact function and the corresponding Grashof number is small. Then the global attractor has a simple structure: it is the closure of all the values of the unique bounded complete trajectory of the Navier–Stokes system. In particular, if is a quasiperiodic function with respect to , then the attractor is a continuous image of a...

Space-time variational saddle point formulations of Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations

Rafaela Guberovic, Christoph Schwab, Rob Stevenson (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The instationary Stokes and Navier−Stokes equations are considered in a simultaneously space-time variational saddle point formulation, so involving both velocities u and pressure . For the instationary Stokes problem, it is shown that the corresponding operator is a linear mapping between and H', both Hilbert spaces and being Cartesian products of (intersections of) Bochner spaces, or duals of those. Based on these results, the operator...

Low Mach number limit for viscous compressible flows

Raphaël Danchin (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


In this survey paper, we are concerned with the zero Mach number limit for compressible viscous flows. For the sake of (mathematical) simplicity, we restrict ourselves to the case of fluids and we assume that the flow evolves in the whole space or satisfies periodic boundary conditions. We focus on the case of . Hence highly oscillating acoustic waves are likely to propagate through the fluid. We nevertheless state the convergence to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations...