Displaying similar documents to “Convergence of Cell Based Finite Volume Discretizations for Problems of Control in the Conduction Coefficients”

Convergence of Cell Based Finite Volume Discretizations for Problems of Control in the Conduction Coefficients

Anton Evgrafov, Misha Marie Gregersen, Mads Peter Sørensen (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


We present a convergence analysis of a cell-based finite volume (FV) discretization scheme applied to a problem of control in the coefficients of a generalized Laplace equation modelling, for example, a steady state heat conduction. Such problems arise in applications dealing with geometric optimal design, in particular shape and topology optimization, and are most often solved numerically utilizing a finite element approach. Within the FV framework for control in the coefficients...

Delay Dynamics of Cancer and Immune Cell Model

D. Adongo, K.R. Fister (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


We investigate optimal control of a cancer-immune cell interactive model with delay in the interphase compartment. By applying the optimal control theory, we seek to minimize the cost associated with the chemotherapy drug, minimize the accumulation of cancer cells, and increase the immune cell presence. Optimality conditions and characterization of the control are provided. Numerical analyses are given to enhance the understanding of the ...

On some optimal control problems for the heat radiative transfer equation

Sandro Manservisi, Knut Heusermann (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


This paper is concerned with some optimal control problems for the Stefan-Boltzmann radiative transfer equation. The objective of the optimisation is to obtain a desired temperature profile on part of the domain by controlling the source or the shape of the domain. We present two problems with the same objective functional: an optimal control problem for the intensity and the position of the heat sources and an optimal shape design problem where the top surface is sought as control....