Displaying similar documents to “On the matrix form of Kronecker lemma”

Intervals of certain classes of Z-matrices

M. Rajesh Kannan, K.C. Sivakumar (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


Let A and B be M-matrices satisfying A ≤ B and J = [A,B] be the set of all matrices C such that A ≤ C ≤ B, where the order is component wise. It is rather well known that if A is an M-matrix and B is an invertible M-matrix and A ≤ B, then aA + bB is an invertible M-matrix for all a,b > 0. In this article, we present an elementary proof of a stronger version of this result and study corresponding results for certain other classes as well.

A note on the matrix Haffian.

Heinz Neudecker (2000)



This note contains a transparent presentation of the matrix Haffian. A basic theorem links this matrix and the differential ofthe matrix function under investigation, viz ∇F(X) and dF(X). Frequent use is being made of matrix derivatives as developed by Magnus and Neudecker.

Sufficient conditions to be exceptional

Charles R. Johnson, Robert B. Reams (2016)

Special Matrices


A copositive matrix A is said to be exceptional if it is not the sum of a positive semidefinite matrix and a nonnegative matrix. We show that with certain assumptions on A−1, especially on the diagonal entries, we can guarantee that a copositive matrix A is exceptional. We also show that the only 5-by-5 exceptional matrix with a hollow nonnegative inverse is the Horn matrix (up to positive diagonal congruence and permutation similarity).

On a nonnegative irreducible matrix that is similar to a positive matrix

Raphael Loewy (2012)

Open Mathematics


Let A be an n×n irreducible nonnegative (elementwise) matrix. Borobia and Moro raised the following question: Suppose that every diagonal of A contains a positive entry. Is A similar to a positive matrix? We give an affirmative answer in the case n = 4.

Explicit formulas for the constituent matrices. Application to the matrix functions

R. Ben Taher, M. Rachidi (2015)

Special Matrices


We present a constructive procedure for establishing explicit formulas of the constituents matrices. Our approach is based on the tools and techniques from the theory of generalized Fibonacci sequences. Some connections with other results are supplied. Furthermore,we manage to provide tractable expressions for the matrix functions, and for illustration purposes we establish compact formulas for both the matrix logarithm and the matrix pth root. Some examples are also provided. ...