Displaying similar documents to “A mean square formula for central values of twisted automorphic L-functions”

Nonvanishing of automorphic L-functions at special points

Zhao Xu (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


At some special points, we establish a nonvanishing result for automorphic L-functions associated to the even Maass cusp forms in short intervals by using the mollification technique.

K-finite Whittaker functions are of finite order one


Acta Arithmetica


We prove a finite order one type estimate for the Whittaker function attached to a K-finite section of a principle series representation of a real or complex Chevalley group. Effective computations are made using convexity in ℂⁿ, following the original paper of Jacquet. As an application, we give a simplified proof of the known result of the boundedness in vertical strips of certain automorphic L-functions, using a result of Müller.

Asymptotically almost automorphic solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument

Hui-Sheng Ding, Shun-Mei Wan (2017)

Open Mathematics


This paper is concerned with the existence and uniqueness of asymptotically almost automorphic solutions to differential equations with piecewise constant argument. To study that, we first introduce several notions about asymptotically almost automorphic type functions and obtain some properties of such functions. Then, on the basis of a systematic study on the associated difference system, the existence and uniqueness theorem is established. Compared with some earlier results, we do...